My name is Phil Norris, christened Philip but only my Mother calls me that. I’m a child of the 60s and have a 20 year old daughter and am married with two stepsons both in their 20s. I live in sunny Somerset in the Southwest of England.

I’ve been “playing” at writing for  a lot of years and decided 2 years ago to actually work on something constructive. To date I’ve had a couple of short stories published on the GeekplanetOnline website, three flash fiction shorts accepted for the Pill Hill Press Daily Flash 2012 anthology due out later this year, and my proudest moment of 2011 having my short story Groundhog Day accepted for The Trigger Reflex anthology.

I hope to make regular updates on this blog with news of my progress and pitfalls in the world of writing. There will also be occasional reviews of books, TV and movies plus general ramblings from a troubled mind.